Sunday 17 March 2013

Further Correspondence of Lady Cog-Sprocket

17 March  1813

Dearest Husband,

My quest to witness a Crimson Clocks performance continues. As you know, I had arranged for a carriage to Matlock Bath, thus far my journey from Birmingham has been somewhat slower than I had originally anticipated.

 The carriage left Birmingham as planned, and we had expected to reach Derby for an overnight stay well before nightfall. However, as we travelled along a lane on the outskirts of Tutbury the coach gave a terrible jolt and we were brought to a rather sudden stop. We had encountered a rather deep hole, no doubt caused by the recent bad weather, and as a result one of the wheels now had several cracked spokes. Fortunately the driver and his assistant had the materials and tools to repair the damage, although darkness had fallen and it had begun to pour with rain before they had completed the task. 

Just after sunset, as the repair was nearing completion, we heard a multitude of raised voices coming down the lane towards us. A rather large group of people passed us by, some with knives in their hands while others carried fire-lit brands, they were clearly angry about something and yelled to us to "Look out!" so we made certain to keep out of their way as they passed. I can assure you that they meant us no harm, their anger was quite clearly directed elsewhere. I watched the light from their torches recede as they made their way toward the castle at the top of the hill. I feel sure that whoever their anger was directed towards was certainly going to get it, I would not have wanted to be in that persons shoes.

Once the repair was completed we set off once again, and arrived in Derby without further incident. The carriage is to undergo a full repair before we can recommence our journey and so I am to spend a few days in Derby - more delay and you are well aware of my impatience, but you may rest assured that I am safe and well. 

I remain, as ever, your loving wife




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